How to make money from your talent and skills

You don’t get paid for what you know but for what you do with what you know. In other words, you can be the most talented person of the lot, but it means nothing if you cannot skillfully translate your talent into money or something of value. In a business environment, a lot of people […]

Being tenacious, professional key to running successful businesses – Entrepreneur

Melody Fidel Okwuazu, an award winning entrepreneur-missionary, has charged entrepreneurs to be intentional, tenacious and professional in their business approach. “It will not be easy to scale through as there will be many challenges and distractions on your paths. Likewise, there are several competitions to your brand which means your only hope of survival is […]

Stability, Sustenance Mentees Retreat Impacts Youths In Lagos

LAGOS – Melody Okwuazu Stability and Sustenance Mentees retreat has impacted selected youths over the period of three days in Lagos. At least, 22 outstanding entrepreneurs out of over 100 grant beneficiaries drawn from different business facets across Nigeria experienced a three-day mentorship programme led by Okwuazu with the aim of physically tutoring and guiding […]

Corps Members Urged To Develop Business Sense

Ten corps members select­ed from the over 100 par­ticipants in the ongoing 2023 Batch C stream I Na­tional Youth Service Corps (NYSC) at the Calabar orientation camp have re­ceived between N25,000 and N50,000 Stability and Suste­nance business grants. The Stability and Suste­nance grant is the brainchild of Melody Okwuazu, the en­trepreneur-missionary, who has championed youth […]

Melody Fidel Wins The Future Awards Africa Prize For ‘Service To Young People

Celebrated Nigerian entrepreneur-missionary, Melody Fidel Okwuazu, has won The Future Awards Africa Prize for ‘Service To Young People’ in the 17th edition held in Lagos recently. At a spectacular event on October 22 this year at the Balmoral Hall of Federal Palace Hotel in Lagos, Melody Fidel was announced winner of the coveted Prize acknowledging […]