How to make money from your talent and skills

You don’t get paid for what you know but for what you do with what you know. In other words, you can be the most talented person of the lot, but it means nothing if you cannot skillfully translate your talent into money or something of value. In a business environment, a lot of people suffer depression from the frustration of knowing they have the talent but are unable to translate that talent to money or profit. Anyone with a modest talent can work skilfully to maximize the value they can get from it if they follow basic principles of business development.

The challenge of earning and being financially free is not exclusive to a particular job, skill or talent. No matter what you want to do, as far as it has the capacity to be patronized as a business or service, all you need are focus and creativity to move it forward. Focus and creativity will keep people interested in what you are doing. That’s how you get people asking questions about your business or service and investing in trying it out. That’s how you also get to keep them as customers or patrons. Don’t be carried away by mere confidence in your talent and hoping to earn with it, rather be focused on being more skilful. You need to strategise on how to allow your skills to provide solutions to needs.

Below are skills that can be turned to profitable ventures with good mentorship and follow-up programmes. You do not need more than $1 (one dollar) to venture into any of them!

– Washing: With skills in washing, ironing and keep things and places clean and tidy, you can render services such as dry-cleaning, general laundering, car washing services, house and corporate cleaning services.

– Hair Making/Cutting: Everyone is in the business of looking good and it starts with personal grooming. People get their hair fixed every day in order to look smart and presentable. With combs, scissors, clippers and other minor tools you can start a barbing or hairdressing business.

– Graphic Designing: Every business needs a graphic designer to put a picture and the right words to their vision. The graphic artist is the interpreter of the brand to the public with pictures and creative write-ups.

– Talking: A lot of people, young and old, love talking. If you’re the type that talks, if you’re someone with a gift of the gab who can command people’s attention, then consider freelance marketing for real estate companies, healthcare companies, etc.

No matter your race, colour and academic qualifications, as far as you have the right attitude, any of these skills can earn you a comfortable lifestyle and fortune. Remember, you can think big, start small and grow big.

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Making Money from Your Talent and Skill

You don’t get paid for what you know but for what you do with what you know. It’s not enough to simply possess talent or knowledge—you need to translate that talent

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